
Real Estate Marketplace App
UX / UI, Mobile


Tenere is a mobile marketplace app for long-term home rentals aimed at millennials. We collaborated with the founders to design a seamless experience for the MVP of their mobile app.


  • Design an experience to build a user base.
  • Streamline property creation user flow.
  • Create a visual language that is hip and trendy.


The challenge was to design an experience that is attractive and engaging for the renters while remaining trustworthy and opportunity-generating for the homeowners.


We aimed at improving and providing an extra value at the “house showing/open house” phase of the user journey where seems to be the most problematic part of the current user flow based on our research.


  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Surveys• Personas
  • Competitor analysis
  • Wire-framing and prototyping
  • UI design
  • Developer handoff
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